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Technology Partner Listing - Guidelines & Advice

Whilst it’s entirely up to Technology Partners what information is included in the listings on Fulcrum, we’ve put together some pointers to help. These might act as good questions to ask if you're engaging with one of the technology partners. Listings will typically be structured in one of two ways: i) Around a general offering or service (E.g SCADA System deployment, or ERP scoping) ii) Around a specific case study of more ‘bespoke’ work done for clients to show examples of the types of capability a Tech Partner has. Either way is valid, but both should contain the following information. 1. Start with the why… Usually the pain point or challenge that the manufacturers you work(ed) with are facing. E.g Our clients often come to use because they lack good recording of downtime faults on their machinery which causes XYZ… 2. Now cover the ‘what’. Look for details of what specifically is delivered, including a summary of the process required to get there. Are there on site visits required? Are there discovery sessions? etc. E.g We deliver best in class performing SCADA systems, maintaining and upgrading flexibly as your requirements develop. SCADA systems do XYZ by connecting to your machinery 3. Consider the ‘How’. This is where some technical elements should be covered. This is a balance of not being too technical whilst giving confidence that this technical solution will work. E.g The technology is built off platform X hosted on the cloud. All users in the business get access through their email and password. This is ideal for companies who use process A or B. 4. Who is this relevant for? What type of manufacturer is this technology ideal for? What other technologies or thing might need to be in place or considered to make this successful? (Including skills they might need to build or hire). E.g This technology works well for heavily automated lines where breakdowns in one area impact the whole line immediately and cause significant downtime. A cybersecurity policy will need to be in place before or as part of deploying this technology. We can assist with this. 5. When & Where? How do you typically work with clients. Is it remote, on site or a mixture? What are typical timelines for these kind of projects? E.g We deliver 80% of the work remotely with site visits for detailed scoping, installation and commissioning. 6. Finish with the Outcome. What does this solution deliver (how does it meet the why!). Think about linking this to your testimonial if possible. E.g Our systems allow our clients full visibility of all asset downtime and faults, this leads to them managing and maintaining their assets optimally and reducing downtime by X% as in our testimonial below. Photos: You can include as many as you like For software and systems include screenshots of different pages and reports. For hardware include images of the equipment and resultant products wherever possible. Some General Points: - Keep your information specific to the listing. For more general information about the company and capabilities, look at the companies 'Bio' on their profile. - We've had feedback that people hate jargon (or love it when the jargon is explained!). Consider explaining any technical language or acronyms.

Client Testimonial Quote & Job Title

Testimonials: A quote and the role ​/​ industry of the person that provided it is sufficient. If the testimonial provider is happy for you to include their actual name, company and position then please do. This should be checked by Technology Partners. The Fulcrum team get in touch with the testimonial provider to check the validity of the testimonial and the quality of work delivered. This will be done through a standardised process of 3 simple questions. 1. Did the technology partner do the work described in the listing? i.e Is the testimonial related or very similar to the listing? 2. Did they deliver to or above expectations? i.e Are they capable of delivering the result? 3. Would you recommend working with them to other manufacturers. i.e Was it a positive experience to get to the result? If there’s any issues at this stage we will communicate directly with the relevant technology partner to resolve this. Thanks for reading - Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you want any further assistance!

Relevant Industry(s)

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Tags: Smart Industry Readiness Index Dimension

  • Vertical Integration

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  • Demand Forecasting

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  • Workforce Flexibility

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