Leadsafe Supervisors - Safety Leadership
LeadSafe Supervisors has been developed specifically to meet the needs of industry, to lift the leadership and safety capability of all frontline leaders. It is endorsed by Construction Health and Safety New Zealand (CHASNZ) as the new benchmark in construction for supervisors, creating a common language and skill set that will lift our performance as an industry. Key purpose – To empower frontline leaders and supervisors to embrace a safety culture, integrating it into their daily activities on-site to achieve outstanding work outcomes and ensure everyone’s safety. Target audience – For all frontline leaders, supervisors and team members responsible for leading safety. Duration and format – 2 x full days in-room - Up to 12 learners per group.
Client Testimonial Quote & Job Title
“The Leadsafe course was very different from any other safety course I have been involved in during my 20 years in the industry.“ – Participant
Relevant Industry(s)
- Construction Materials Manufacturing
- Electronics
- Food & Beverage
- Laboratories
- Meat & Primary Processing
- Metallic Components
- Metal Processing & Fabrication
- Plastics
- Timber, Paper & Pulp Manufacturing
Relevant Technology
- Data Management & Reporting
Tags: Smart Industry Readiness Index Dimension
- Workforce Learning & Development
Tags: Relevant Area or Process
- Health & Safety
Tags: Relevant KPIs Impacted
- Workforce Efficiency
- Safety