3D Printing - prototyping
3D printing bureau prototyping service. Technologies include large format SLA, DLP resins, high temp, clear, bio compatible, elastomer, flame retardant and production grade, SLS Nylon and Metal DMP Inconel & Stainless. Plus vacuum casting of urethanes and silicones, 3D scanning, CAD design and 3 axis CNC router cutting.
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Client Testimonial Quote & Job Title
Paul Radmall
Testimonial Contact. Email & Phone (Used for verification, will not appear on published listing)
Marlborough Magnetos 14 Glenhill Drive Witherlea Blenheim New Zealand 7201 [email protected] 027 577 8328
Relevant Industry(s)
- Aerospace
- Electronics
- Footwear & Textiles
- Furniture
- Meat & Primary Processing
- Metallic Components
- Metal Processing & Fabrication
- Mining, Aggregates and Cement
- Plastics
- Transport, Machinery & Equipment
Relevant Technology
- Additive Manufacturing
Tags: Smart Industry Readiness Index Dimension
- Horizontal Integration
- Integrated Product Lifecycle
- Inter / Intra Company Collaboration
Tags: Relevant Area or Process
- Product Design
Tags: Relevant KPIs Impacted
- Material Efficiency (Yield / Waste / Scrap)
- Time to Delivery (Leadtime)
- Time to Market
- Planning & Scheduling
- Production Flexibility